!! Rise And Fall !!
Seems two sides of a same coin ......
"Popularity or Business Growth etc etc" of an Individual or Company can be measured as a Rise And "Downfall and Business Loss etc etc" of an Individual of Company can be measured as a Fall.
One Time Yahoo Mail was popular .. Now Gmail overtakes it ..
One Time orkut is best in social sites .. Now facebook become popular in social networking sites ..
In 90's Tata Motors are most reliable and most used vehicles in India .. but now Tata loses India Market Comparison to other .
One Time Narendar Modi Image is very bad in Media due to Riots .. but now he is one of the best CM in India.
Rise and Fall is the part .. One who rises .. He will also face Failures of Fall .. But what matters is the Intensity of Failure in terms of Loss (Money or Self Respect) and Image of Company Or due to a new Competitor in Market.
Many students doing suicide or in Depression due to Competition or Pressure which they are not able to cope, Or they feel they are not able to achieve for which they worked too hard or it may happen because they might not tasted "Failure" .. But life is beautifull , Just think Poeples who are blind or handicapped or not able to live like a Normal human Being but still they live and Enjoy it in there way, By doing Suicide how many beautifull moments of life they are going to loose so we should not give up.
Some people says i am very successfull, and i achieved what i want, "But have they taken any risk , or ever tried to do something different in his life" ..
Failure is the most important part of Success and Rise. Without Failures or Falls we cannot realize what is true Success or Rise.
We should Realize the Change in advance and perpare ourself accordingly.
!! Perseverance !!
He failed in business in '31.
He was defeated for state legislator in '32.
He tried another business in '33. It failed.
His fiancee died in '35.
He had a nervous breakdown in '36.
In '43 he ran for congress and was defeated.
He tried again in '48 and was defeated again.
He tried running for the Senate in '55. He lost.
The next year he ran for Vice President and lost.
In '59 he ran for the Senate again and was defeated.
In 1860, the man who signed his name
A. Lincoln, was elected the 16th President of the United States.